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completely booked's 2024 reading challenge

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completely booked's 2024 reading challenge

Those of you who have been reading completely booked for a few years probably notice I namedrop the Book Riot reading challenge quite often. I love doing that fun little challenge. It has expanded my range of genres and writers, it’s inclusive, and it’s just fun. My local library also does a book bingo, and dumb little games like that always appeal to me, so I thought, why not do my own?

Inspired by Book Riot, where you get a certain percentage off at a cute bookish shop when you do the completely booked reading challenge, you’ll receive a gift from me in the mail!

completely booked is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

[The completely booked 2024 reading challenge]

  1. A book about abortion
  2. A book with a unique format
  3. A book your local library recommends
  4. A book that makes you laugh out loud
  5. A Black classic
  6. A book you thrifted
  7. A YA novel from the year you were born
  8. A book your friend(s) have been begging you to read
  9. A book about foster care or adoption
  10. A book your / a mom recommends
  11. A book about unions or organizing
  12. A book that centers sports
  13. A book you loved as a kid
  14. A book written pre-pandemic

A few housekeeping things.

Here’s a link to a downloadable PDF if you’re into that kind of thing.

Here’s a link to a spreadsheet tracker if you’re into that kind of thing. I recommend making a copy and saving it as your own.

PLEASE join me via the Storygraph app if you’re on Storygraph, which you should be.

If and when you complete the completely booked reading challenge, please email your finished spreadsheet or PDF checklist to completelybookedletter@gmail.com and include your mailing address. You have until December 31, 2024!

completely booked is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.