my top 10 favorite reads of 2020
and what a year it was, eh?
and what a year it was, eh?
Exciting Times and Sounds Like Titanic were both so damn good. You’ll hear a lot of Sally Rooney comparisons with Exciting Times, but I much preferred this to Normal People, if that helps. And don’t let the Titanic reference scare you away! It’s much more than it seems.
Honestly, Breasts and Eggs, A Girl is a Body of Water, and A Burning have all come out in the past six months and are still kind of buzz-y and all of them are good, so I’d recommend any of those if you want to be up on what people are reading and talking about.
It started out meh with the book about friendship that I didn’t care for, but the triple whammy of Pachinko, The Warmth of Other Suns, and the masterpiece that is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows made for a beautiful month of reading.
I really think Feasting Wild is something everyone should find the time to read. The Vanishing Half is worth your time, if for no other reason than you’d get to have an opinion on one of the most talked about books this summer.
Pizza Girl: A Novel by Jean Kyoung Frazier is high on my list of recommendations this month. It’s unique and stirring and a quick read so even if you can’t settle into something long, you can do this one.
Hmm, I'd recommend quite a bit this month. The Lost Girls of Camp Forevermore, Followers, There, There, and Party of Two, which is actually a greater recommendation for all of Guillory's books. And honestly if you haven't read Their Eyes Were Watching God in your whole life, prioritize that.
Everyone, especially people who love and appreciate literature, should own a copy of The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations by Toni Morrison to reference. Both of Janet Mock's books, I'd recommend to just about anyone.
I read quite a few books this month but don't have as many "you absolutely must read this book" recommendations this month. My two favorite things I read this month were Kerry Winfrey's Love and Other Alien Experiences and Levine and Heller's Attached. I also adored Kiley Reid's Such a Fun Age.
The only thing I read this month that I would 110% recommend to anyone is Sam Irby's wow, no thank you.
[What I Recommend] I'll admit Zami: A New Spelling of My Name will not hit everyone the same, but I do recommend it. And Heartburn because everyone should read Heartburn.
[What I Recommend] Everyone should read The Yellow House by Sarah M. Broom, and if you love Nora Ephron and romantic comedies, you should also read I'll Have What She's Having by Erin Carlson.