you paid for this: things I did while I had COVID for the second time

it's mostly "watched a movie"

you paid for this: things I did while I had COVID for the second time

I am still unsure where or how I got COVID this time around. The last time I got it, in August 2023, was the day I got home from Disneyland. I felt like shit and was like, well, I probably got COVID in Disneyland, which is exactly right. This time around, I don’t have anything out of the ordinary to point to other than, unfortunately, assuming we'll always see a spike around this time of year. Who the fuck knows.

Knowing I was actively testing positive even on expired home tests, I decided largely to stay in, even though googling “what to do positive COVID” was not helpful. I got bored a lot, and only on the tail end of my illness did I get into Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which, if I could go back in time, I would have done much earlier. Anyway. Here’s something I wrote in the throes of my second bout of COVID where I shuffled my watchlist on letterboxd approximately 19 times.